Resolutions…Goals…What do you really want?

It’s a fresh start, a blank slate, and it feels like anything is possible.

It’s that time of year when we reflect on the past and think about what we want to achieve in the new year ahead. It’s a fresh start, a blank slate, and it feels like anything is possible. What do you want for yourself this year? What do you really want? 

Goals help us be who we want to be, get where we want to go, discipline ourselves, and focus our perspective positively. They even make life a little more fun. There is something about that feeling of hitting a goal – it puts pep in our step! What if we apply some of these simple, time-tested tips to set and achieve our goals this year? 

Plus, you’ll get a little boost of dopamine to help power your next move.

File:Bullet (typography).svg - Wikimedia Commons Set aside time and really look to see what you want. What is something YOU want, not something you think you SHOULD want or have, but something that gives you “feelings” when you think about it. Be as clear as you can, write down a description of what it is, why you want it and how it will feel to have/do it. Maybe find a picture that captures it and print it out. The why – the feelings you have around what you want – will be the driving force you use to achieve it!

File:Bullet (typography).svg - Wikimedia Commons What will you need to do to make it happen? Use this question to guide setting your goals. Setting any goal, let alone big, hairy, audacious goals, can be both frightening and exhilarating. This is what has stopped me in the past from sticking with my resolutions – leaving too much room between what I want and what I need to do to get it. I found I need goals to guide my plans. Set an attainable yet challenging goal – consider what is practical and balance that with what is possible.

Taking on more than you can handle can overwhelm you and maybe even stop you before you begin.

File:Bullet (typography).svg - Wikimedia Commons Once you have your overarching goal, break it down into the steps it will take to achieve the goal. Set small goals for a specific block of time. This can make something small feel like a big accomplishment, which will help boost your confidence. Create your action plan:

  • Prioritize what’s most important to accomplish. Here are two approaches to try:
    • Eat the frog – Take care of the hardest tasks early in the day/week/month. This will minimize stress and help the rest of your schedule flow more easily. 
    • Go for the easy wins – Tackle those items that can be done quickly and easily to build momentum. Sometimes we need to feel good to gear up for more challenging tasks.
  • Create a to-do list for your week or month and mark off an item when it’s complete. You‘ll be able to see what all you’ve accomplished and move priorities around as needed. Plus, you’ll get a little boost of dopamine to help power your next move.
  • Write a “power list” everyday of 3-5 things you will get done that day. Cross items off as they are completed and reward yourself with a walk around the block, yummy treat, cup of coffee, etc. When we make it a game, we make life fun!

When we make it a game, we make life fun!

Share amazing experiences with your family by taking a dream vacation/adventure, be fit by running an important race, bring the community together by creating a massive food drive, create security for your future by implementing a budget and financial plan – whatever your goals may be, may these tips help each of us on this road called life.

Over this week and next, we will be looking to see “What do we really want.” We wish you the best in making 2021, the year you achieve your goals and live the life you create. 

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