Let’s meet Account Director, Lisa Shafer!
Who inspires you?
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“The Maya Angelou saying print is a saying that I have always had around me, whether saved in my phone, written on a Post-It note or somewhere else as a constant reminder to me. If I can leave others feeling good, then that is something I know will stay with them longer than anything else. Plus, I love learning and I know I always have a lot to learn.”
“Post-It notes are always on my screen, sometimes all the way around it. This is how I prioritize and remember certain things. I have always been a tangible person, so writing on post it notes and on notebooks is how I always take notes.”
“The coffee cup is something I have every single day. It is the staple of my day. I know not to make any big decisions till I have my coffee. “
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(877) 635-6049
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