Today, let’s meet Laura Cabanas!
Laura as been with Paragon Planners for 2 and 1/2 years and works as a scheduler, a marketing assistant and a firm lead where she provides guidance to other schedulers.
Tell us a little bit about you!
“I live in Miami, Florida with my husband and three kids: Emma, 8, Noah, 5, and Annalise, 7 months. We have a loveable doodle named Harley. ”
What does Paragon mean to you?
“ Paragon means having the flexibility to further my career while also being a mom. It means being able to be a team player while still being there for my kids. “
What have you gained from working at Paragon?
“I’ve gained so many new skills and I’ve become a master at time management. I’ve also gained an amazing group of co-workers that truly want to see me succeed and make it feel like I’m never actually working remotely.”

What skill do you think everyone should learn?
“Time management.”
Who inspires you?
“My kids! Everything I do, I do it for them. ”
What are your hobbies outside of work?
“Watching my son’s high school hockey games as it comes to an end, needlework, anything crafty.”
What is your favorite dessert?
“My mom makes the best flan, and as an added bonus, it’s gluten free (I am Celiac, so it’s a win-win). “
Desktop Details

Pictures of my kiddos and their artwork in the background.

Photo frames my oldest two gave me last year for Mother’s Day.

Harley! My furry co-worker!
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