Today we’re getting to know Beth Pierce!
Beth works with our Scheduling, Marketing and Social Media teams and has been with Paragon Planners for two and a half years.
Q&A with Beth:.
Tell us a little bit about you!
“I live just a little south of Charlotte, NC with my husband, our two kids, Lexie and Even and our dog, Piper Pierce!”
What is your favorite part of the job?
“The flexibility. Making my own schedule is so helpful with two school-aged children. I also love the independence that Paragon provides. There isn’t any micromanaging. The assumption is you are getting your job done and if you can’t, the environment is very supportive to help you when you need it!”
Do you have a favorite TV show?
“The Amazing Race is my family’s favorite show! We love the competition and getting to see places all over the world.”
What do you do outside of work?
“I live on a soccer field most of the time supporting my daughter and love every minute of it!”
What is your favorite dessert?
“Angel food cake with homemade chocolate icing – a childhood favorite!”

Desktop Details:

“You Got this” is just a great reminder in all aspects of life, not just your workday!

List – I love a list! I often have multiple lists going at the same time. Short term and long term!
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