Who We Are

We Are a Team of Planners and Makers

We are a driven, energized, enthusiastic team of planners and makers, providing premier services elevating your success.

Becky Rountree

Senior Operations Manager

Born and raised small town Oregon girl.  Surrounded by dual screen monitors, Excel & Quickbooks. My two greatest blessings in life call me Mom.  Lover of sports, travel, adventure and smiles. Thankful, grateful & blessed.

David Brown

Database and IT Director

Diligent. Persistent. Purpose driven. Wanders the wilderness, walks the line of diminished returns. Father to one, whose starlight guides me. Hard work reaps its rewards and life is always better on two wheels.

Jason Keller

The Learning Loft

Colorado Native with roots in Southern California and South Texas. Blessed with a Partner of over 20 years who is a cornerstone of support alongside two Cats who complete the homelife. Avid hiker, road-tripper, photographer, and problem-solver. Tenacity as a middle name, which drives a pointed focus to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. Always looking for the balance in every situation for an upward trajectory to success.

Week after week, we increase your connectivity with your clients, expanding and deepening your client base, propelling your success.

And we bring heart to that hustle, because understanding and responsiveness is how we roll.

Jennifer "Jen" Matson

Training Director

Southern California native. Straight shooter, no-nonsense kind of gal. Has two kids at college and two fur babies at home. Loves the outdoors and exploring new places. Tough exterior, but a softy at heart. Sets the bar high but will be your biggest cheerleader along the way.

Jill Nieman

Performance Analyst

A Midwest girl. Watches deer and wild turkeys from her own backyard. Biggest cheerleader to three amazing young adults in all things life and sports. Tackles life and adventures with her blind date from her sorority dance days – now her golf-loving husband. Learns new things from meeting challenges head on. Concert loving, vintage shopping homebody. Loves two sweet dogs and one feisty little cat who thinks she is the boss of everyone, because she is. Thrilled with calendars and the joy of planning out the day/week. Evenings will find her at the lake watching the sunset and reflecting on all she has been blessed with.

Lauren Castro

Hiring Specialist

A Georgia girl, born and raised.  Married into the Army and a world traveler. Social butterfly who enjoys people and stays on the go. End of day, you’ll find her on the lake dock with a glass of wine. Works to have fun and has fun working! Refuses to wear shoes, but still does her nails. Surrounded by two beautiful kids, two sleepy dogs, and a husband somewhere in the middle. Keen eye for talented people.

Every goal we set, client we understand, marketing service we create, expense report we process or call we place on behalf of our clients is the result of our team working together to make each other’s ideas stronger.

Lisa Shafer

Account Director, Business Development

Setting and achieving goals is her drive. Cutting waste and finding efficiency is a must. Research and lists geek. Tends to be an observer of people and thrives in leadership roles. Enjoys encouraging and growing people. A beach and mountain lover living in the Midwest. Continually writing her fairy tale with three amazing kiddos and soul mate, which she was lucky enough to meet at 8 years old. You’ll find her at the ballfields on the weekends. Loves sushi, fitness, sports, hiking and exploring the world around us.

Morgan Learfield

Director of Employee Relations

Service is her passion.  Softball is her game.  Married to her forever teammate & mama to one feisty future female leader.  Sunshine, tacos, and laughter.  Oregon native who bleeds orange and black.  Lives for football season.  Always ready to jump in & find creative solutions.  Celebration enthusiast!

Timberley Christie

Support Specialist

Wife to her Beloved and mom to her mini-me. A creative spirit who enjoys all things indoors, a good book and writing when she can. Approaches things with an analytical eye and has never met a question she wouldn’t ask. 

That happens here because every one of us strives toward a common goal — creating the best customer experiences.

We are better together!

Cheryl Learfield


Managing Director

Everything is achievable. Sprints to change with wide open arms. No one is a stranger. Simplifies and less is more. Native Oregonian who shuns an umbrella. Mom to 3 guys winning at life. Promoted to grandmother. Landlord to dogs and horses. Happiest when working on “what’s next” with her husband.

Trina Gardner


Chief Executive Officer

Limitless possibilities. Empowering others. Level-headed calm. Proficient with chopsticks. Oregon rain runs in her blood. “We’re just gonna figure it out.” Husband is soulmate and partner on this journey. Three inspiring people’s mom. Chips and salsa every day. Best medicine is walking and clean eating. Australia, nature, travel and friends bring a smile to any day. Love.

Our Mission…

  • Provide Premier Services to Elevate Success

Our Values…

  • Honor Your Word: Do what you say and say what you will do!
  • Truthfulness: Care personally and challenge directly, immediate, kind and clear, specific and sincere. Honesty is kindness.
  • Positive Intentions: We assume that every person means well and has positive intent behind what they say and do, that decisions are made with the best intentions, and that we are all doing the best we can.
  • Successful Outcomes: We get more of what we focus on, so we focus on what we want. Expect Success, then work like there is no other option.
  • Respectful Partnerships: We treat everyone with respect and dignity. We create a safe and respectful environment – a place that values what each of us can bring to the table.
  • We offer one level of service – Excellent: We are passionate and driven to bring our best in all we do.

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